Plato's Academy page 82
- To Plato, the death of Socrates was a striking example of the conflict that can exist between society as it really is and the true or ideal society. page 82
- Breiefly, we can establish that Plato was concerned with the relationship between what is enternal and immutable, on the one hand, and what "flows" on the other. page 83
- Sophists and Scrates turned their attention from questions of natural to man and society. page 83
- Plato tired to grasp a "reality" that was eternal and immutable [age 83
The Word of Ideas page 84
- Plato believed that everything tangible in nature "flows"
- "Form" of the horse is eternal and immutable.
- You have a picture of the horse in your mind so you can rebuild or draw the horse again.
- IDEAS: Plato called these forms ideas. Behind every horse, pig or human being.
True Knowledge page 86
- Plato's point is that we can never have true knowledge of anything is in a constant state of change. page 87
- We have immortal soul and this soul realm of reason.
- Plato also believed that the soul existed before it inhabited the body.
The Philosophic State page 91
- According to Plato, the human body is composed of three parts: the head, the cest, and the abdomen.
- For each of these three parts there is a corresponding faculty of the soul.
- Reason belongs to the head, will belongs to the chest, and appetite belongs to the abdomen.
Body= head, chest and abdomen
Soul= reason, will and appetite
Viture=wisdom, courage and temperance
State=rulers, auxiliaries and laborers
(1) What is the ideal Society and why ?
(2) Are Plato's Ideas non physical ? IF so then where do they exist ?
(3) Can we have innate knowledge ?