Monday, April 9, 2012

Study Guide Questions (Philosophy test)

Here are questions you need to study. You can find the answers in the chapters.


What was the common trait or theme of all Indo-European mythology?

How did Jesus distinguish himself from other messiahs?

“Jesus was God himself” is stated as one central belief of the Christian creed,

What kind of messiah were the Jews expecting around the time of Jesus?

What were the two language groups mentioned in the chapter “Two Cultures”?

In what year did the church close down Plato’s ‘Academy’ in an attempt to remove any trace of paganism?

How long did it take for the entire Hellenistic world to become predominantly (mainly) Christian?

What happened during the years 586 and 539 BC?



What were the three different cultures in the Roman Empire?

According to Alberto's analogy of the clock, at what time did the Middle Ages begin?

Whose writing did St. Thomas Aquinas Christianize?

Who is Albert the Great?

St. Augustine believed that all human history was a constant struggle between what?

“Evil is the absence of God.” Who said this?

What is The Creed (from page 160)?

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